Author Archives: admin

I’m Just Sayin’

Why is Theatre in the United States Losing its Audience?
Talk to anyone who works in theatre in the US—Equity or community or academic; regional or in New York City—and they can tell you about their aging audiences and their unsuccessful efforts to attract younger ones.  They’ll groan about the constant fundraising.  They’ll tell you of struggles to pay for the new light board, the new sprinkler system.  And about the cost of royalties for those “must have” plays,

Scandal Sells

About twenty years ago, I joined a Bay Area organization called The Institute for Historical Study because I was writing my first history play for adults, A SHIRTWAIST TALE, about a garment strike in Lower East Side NYC in 1909.  (see above)  I had written several fourth grade history plays, and in fact had compiled a teachers’ workbook, CALIFORNIA HISTORY PLAYS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE, that was selling well.  I hoped to absorb clues from a group of history-o-philes for how to include the right information,